Friday, February 6

This time last year: February

I actually did post once in February last year!

The main thing I missed was Zach getting shingles.  He was stressed out, studying for the ABSITE, one of the tests they have to take each year.  If they get a certain score, they get money, so of course he was hitting the books hard to score some bucks.  Our neighbor's three dogs were all keeping him from sleeping at during the day (he was working nights,) and we were trying to figure that all out with the city since our neighbors refused to be considerate or try to cooperate.  He suffered through the shingles for a few days before getting diagnosed (because cobblers' children have no shoes, yada yada) and was healthy after a couple days' worth of Valtrex.

He's still got the scars on his forehead to remind him how stressed out he was, so he didn't go overboard with the studying this year.  We were kind of worried about a relapse on this last service- he was pulling about 100 hours a week.  One day, I was curious, so we added up his hours at work, studying, and calls at night, and we calculated 115 hours in just one week.  You'd think that by itself was extraordinary, but what's really remarkable about those hours is that they aren't much more than the usual 80-90 he puts in every week (for almost a decade,) and that he will probably continue to do an average of 50 for the rest of his career.  But, luckily, he made it through this winter bug and virus free, without so much as the flu that hit the rest of us.

Thankfully, another difference this year is that our neighbors decided to patch things up with us.  They got rid of one of the dogs that turned out to be a stray, and bought a barking device for the one dog they actually care about.  The third dog was stolen/ or escaped and taken in somewhere else in the neighborhood.  The whole situation was ridiculous.
I'm glad it's finally over with, and we're not afraid to deliver Valentine cupcakes to those neighbors, too.

Here's our calendar page with last year's pics.

And this came out in Facebook last year- right while I was feeling like we were drowning in crap.  It was a nice little memory jog: "Look!  See how much you've done!  It's not always like this!"  :) I was just floored, it was so cool. I love it.

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