Thursday, May 24


The events of my b-day. I went to consult with a surgeon about my gallbladder (and missed my morning nap) so he could tell me that I may or may not have another attack, and if I do, it could be any time, so I may or may not want to have it taken out. So helpful!
Zach played some songs on the guitar for my present. I was holding the twins and Mia was sitting next to me, and he changed the lyrics to “And it’s me and you and three little people,” so of course I cried. And I laughed because it was supposed to be romantic, and I was sitting there in my post-nursing garb, wiping up spit up from Bree’s mouth while Anya kept letting these sulfuric farts on me, and Mia was “singing” along, trying to get my attention.

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