Monday, January 24

Going going gone

We've had a few fun things going on lately! The twins started a dance class at the rec center. We signed Mia up, too and decided we'd stop paying $47 bucks a month to put her in Pinell Dance Studio. The free class is just as good for a five-year-old...

Mia lost her first tooth-
...............Going............................going......................... gone!
She put it in her princess bag, so the tooth fairy had a great place to put a certificate and a little tooth fairy note, a sucker (which Mia specifically hoped for, so good thing the tooth fairy heard her, huh) and a "silver dollar."

And she also made her first fairy crown. Aunt Kiley gave us a fun idea book for Christmas, and we're having a hard time choosing which ones to do first- they're all so cute.

We also started on Mim's first science project. She wants to find out which sense is the best for telling foods apart between taste, smell and touch. Her bet is on taste.

If anyone would like to participate, she needs more test subjects this week!


Melissa said...

What a great certificate! I love it. Tell Mia to try her experiment with different flavors of Kool Aid. Super fun and extremely deceiving. Can we say one tastes like sugar, the other tastes like sugar, and yes, sample three is sugar! Have fun.

Hollie said...

That certificate is so cute and look so authentic. You have an awesome tooth fairy.

Rachelle said...

I love the Tooth Certificate you made? Where did you get such a cute idea? I totally want to steal that idea...well not for a few more years. So cute!

Summer said...

Thanks! I got the idea from here:

Amandean said...

Clever you!

Anonymous said...

Mia looks pleased at punch with her gap! No more snaggle-tooth. Love the Tooth Fairy Certificate and "Princess" bag. Clever, clever, clever! How nice to have a running Family History, too. How did the experiment go?

Rhonda said...

so fun! Silver dollars are WAY cooler than paper dollars. Imma remember that. :)