I was trying to quietly clean up during the babies' nap and I accidentally dropped a dish and made a ton of noise. I said “Dangit,” and Mia comes into the kitchen and says “What’s a mattew mommy? What’s a mattew?” I tried not to laugh and explained in as serious a tone as I could muster, “I made a big noise, and I’m trying to keep quiet so the babies don’t wake up.” She pauses and says “Maybe try again next time.”
She is always answering with “Maybe” lately: Do you want milk or juice? Maybe…milk. Want to clean up? Maybe… yes! So funny. She also says, after she’s done something cool, “Good Job! So proud of you!” He he. She’s starting to say please, too. No more trips to the toddler potty, though. I keep asking and she flat out says no. She doesn’t want a treat, she doesn’t want to be like Elmo or Mommy or Daddy. She even warns me right before she poops, and I go through all of that before she goes in her diaper two minutes later. So I know it’s not a matter of not being able to. I guess I screwed up, trying to teach her too soon. But I seriously don't know what I should have done- she was taking off her diapers with poop in them and running around bare-bottomed! She went by herself twice! I totally didn’t think I was forcing her. I think she just got embarrassed that she wet on the floor and doesn’t want it to happen again.